Monday, January 5, 2009

I Judge Books by their Cover

Literally! I freely admit it. When I am looking through a bookstore, I am immediately drawn to a book that has a pretty/and or eye-catching cover and think to myself...with a cover like that the book is bound(no pun intended) to be good. Right. And even if said book turns out to be not so special, at least it will look good on my bookshelf. A win win! Anyway, I digress. The meaning of this post is to share with you a book that I recently read, purchased because of it's cover, that was really good and worth reading. "The Next Thing on My List" is a story with an unfortunate premise (two girls in a car accident, one dies), that turns into a charming and delightful story. I won't give too much away, just in case you for some crazy reason decide to read the book because of this post, but it's about a list. 20 things to do before my 25th birthday and how it changed the life of the woman who wanted to complete it for the other woman who died in the car accident. It sounds a little morbid as I'm writing this, but the story was really funny, endearing and thought-provoking in a lighthearted way. Definitely an entertaining weekend read!

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